Prior to forming Benchmark Design Group (Benchmark) in 2003, Mr. Snodgrass was an owner of another private engineering practice. He began his time with that firm in 1992 in the capacity of Project Manager. At the end of his career there he was Sr. Vice President-Engineering in charge of the corporate office. He has an extremely strong background in State and Municipal work. Prior to that endeavor, Mr. Snodgrass worked for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) as an engineer with the Greenville, Texas Area Engineer’s office. His primary function at this position was a design engineer. He later moved from this position to become an engineer with the City of Tyler-Engineering Department. While with the City of Tyler, his primary function, other than the design of public works projects, was the administration of all Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) contracts during construction which were bid through the City.
He has been a Project Manager in charge of a variety of Civil Engineering projects.
He has also been responsible for numerous hydraulic issues which needed direct design or a registered engineer's opinion. Throughout his career, Mr. Snodgrass has been a key member in the planning, design and construction process of numerous high profile projects in both the private and public sectors. He has attended numerous continuing education courses; most notably: Wetlands and 404 Permitting – 1998 and 2004 (Dallas, TX and Cincinnati, OH), Urban Stormwater Management Workshop (Tampa, FL. and Nashville, TN.), Industrial Pretreatment (Houston, TX.), HEC-2 school (Austin, TX.), Underground Detention Design for Stormwater Management (Dallas, TX) and Project Designer Accreditation Training (Tyler, TX) as required by AHERA 40 CFR 763.
Registered Professional Engineer in the States of: